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Logging into and out of Box

It is possible to use Box from the next morning after getting keio.ID(Activation). Please take care that it is not possible to use Box immediately after activation.
Logging into Box (The method to access Box directly) | Logging into Box (The method to access from keio.jp) | Logging into Box (The method to access from smartphones and tablet computers via Box apps) | Logging out of Box

Logging into Box (The method to access Box directly)

  1. Access http://keio.box.com.

  2. A dialog box such as the following is displayed, so click [続ける (Continue)].

  3. When the keio.jp authentication screen is displayed, log-in with your own Keio ID.

  4. Once you have logged in, the following screen will be displayed.

Logging into Box (The method to access from keio.jp)

  1. Log into keio.jp.
  2. Click [BOX] at [SERVICE/Applications].

  3. A dialog box such as the following is displayed, so click [続ける (Continue)].

  4. Once you have logged in, the following screen will be displayed.

Logging into Box (The method to access from smartphones and tablet computers via Box apps)

  1. Launch a Box app that you installed on your smartphones or tablet computers.

  2. Select 「ログイン (Login) 」 button on the screen shown in the figure below. The screen would be displayed when you have not logged into Box via the app.

  3. Select 「シングルサインオン(SSO)を使用する (Use Single Sign-On (SSO)) 」 button on the screen as below.

  4. Select 「ログイン (Login) 」 button after typing your keio.jp ID into the 「メールアドレス (e-mail address) 」 field shown as below.

  5. When the keio.jp authentication screen is displayed, log-in with your own Keio ID.

  6. The login procedure will be finished, and finally you can access to the Box system.

Logging out of Box

  1. Select [▼] on the right end of the menu in the top part of the Box screen and click [Log Out].

  2. Once you have logged out, the Box login screen will be displayed.
    (There is no problem with closing this screen.)

Last-Modified: September 27, 2024

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