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Google Workspace for Education

Notification of Capacity Restrictions on Google Drive, etc. (My Drive)(2023/01)

We are currently using the Google Workspace for Education service for educational institutions to provide storage services on Google Drive and other platforms. In alignment with changes to the storage policies made to Google Workspace for Education by Google, restrictions will now be placed on the use of the hereto unlimited storage space (data storage space for Google Drive and Keio University Mail, etc.). Since exceeding the overall capacity directly affects the use of the entire Keio University, a storage capacity limit, which should be unlimited, will be set for each user. If you have already exceeded the limit, please organize your files by the deadline so that they are under the limit.

Check the following notices for further information on announcements. Details will also be provided on checking the current capacities of drives, e-mail and other such data, as well as details on reorganizing data, etc. You are requested to refer to this.

Notification of Capacity Restrictions on Google Drive, etc. (My Drive)

Setting the Upper Limit for Shared Drives

Google Workspace, which you are currently using, is now required to set a maximum limit for "Shared Drive" due to a change in Google's specifications. (Notified by Google on 1/7)
In order to ensure that this does not interfere with the current usage, a temporary limit will be set uniformly for each shared drive.

  • Set Date and Time : Friday, 2023/1/20 18:00
  • Tentative upper limit : 10TB

This is a temporary emergency measure, and we will provide further information on future settings and operational policies.
The provisional upper limit is subject to review and does not guarantee future available capacity.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Introduction to Google Workspace for Education (Contents)

Introduction to Google Workspace for Education

Google Workspace for Education (formerly G Suite for Education) is a set of services that Google provides for educational institutions and that lets users comprehensively use functions such as Email, Calendar, Chat, and Online Storage.
It differs from services that Google provides for general users, but the layout of the screen and the way the functions are used are the same.
Please see the page, Education Services, for details of the services.


  • In addition to the email function, it has a collaboration function that integrates Calendar (scheduler), Drive (online storage) etc.
    Examples: You can share files with other people online.

    1. You can also read or edit files in various formats on your browser.
      You can share and export or import schedules.
  • You can also use machine translation compatible with the languages of more than fifty countries.

Reliability and Security

  • Google operates one of the best security measures in the world. For details, please see Security and Privacy.
  • With Google Workspace for Education, all data belongs to Keio University or to individual users. Google will never check its contents or use it for advertising purposes.
  • When you cancel your account, all your data will be erased from Google servers.

Services of Google Workspace for Education

The following services can be used.

Service Outline Reference URL
Mail Sending and receiving emails Gmail help center
Groups Creating mailing lists and discussion groups Google Groups Help Center
Drive Preparing and sharing documents etc. on line Google Drive Help Center
Calendar Organizing and sharing schedules Google Calendar Help Center
Contacts Managing email address and other personal information Contact the Gmail Help Center

Precautions for the use of Google Additional Services

ITC provides some Google Additional Services (e.g. Google Takeout, Google Maps etc.) via keio.jp authentication.

These types of services are subject to the same policies as "Google Terms of Service" (not for "Google Workspace").
Please check the following pages carefully before using them.

Google Terms of Service
Using Google Maps, Google Earth and Street View

Last-Modified: February 14, 2025

The content ends at this position.