Attributes Sent to External Services by GakuNin
List of attribute information sent by the Keio University GakuNin System
The Keio University GakuNin System asks users for permission when sending user attribute data requested by external services (with exceptions, such as services provided on campus). The following is a summary of information, by attribute, that may help in making a decision on the permit at that time.

Name of organization / name of organization [Japanese]
"Keio University" and "慶應義塾大学 [Japanese]" are always used on the Keio University GakuNin System. -
Name of affiliation / name of affiliation [Japanese]
"user" and "ユーザー [Japanese]" are always used on the Keio University GakuNin System. -
Positions and positions with a scope
The position is a string of student, faculty, staff, or member (a member of Keio University). It can be multiple data. The position with a scope is made by adding "" after each position. -
This is a string that represents the authorization to use a service, such as an electronic journal, and can be multiple data. In principle, the string is "urn:mace:dir:entitlement:common-lib-terms", but depending on the combination of application and user, another string may be added. -
ePTID (service username)
This is a privacy-conscious username that changes with each service. It is a complex string of characters automatically assigned by the system and is not personal information in the narrow sense. For more information on the concept of usernames in GakuNin, click here (Japanese article). -
ePPN (GakuNin username)
This is a unique username in Gakuin. The Keio University GakuNin System is a complex string of characters ending with those of "" For more information on the concept of usernames in GakuNin, click here (Japanese article). -
Email address
In principle, the email address is the one with your Keio ID ( Note that when you allow for transmission, the data contains relatively important personal information. -
Last Name, First Name, Display Name, Last Name [Japanese], First Name [Japanese], and Display Name [Japanese]
They indicate the name of the user. The display name is a string consisting of the first and last name. Note that when you allow for transmission, the data contains relatively important personal information. -
Student ID number / ID number Information
This information is a string containing the student's student ID number or the faculty and staff member's ID number. Few services currently require this, but note that when you allow for transmission, the data contains relatively important personal information.
Note on personal information to be entered within the service
With external services, for example, when users enter other personal information after being authenticated by GakuNin, or when users enter personal information for GakuNin to authorize a separately created account, the transmission is not directly related to the transmission of attribute information on the Keio University GakuNin System. This is because the users enter such information based on the terms of use and privacy policy of the service.
However, it should be taken into account that entering them will result in the following relationships.
For example, when personal information is entered with a service that requires an ePPN, the ePPN is a unique username within Gakuin. Therefore, when personal information entered with a service that requires an ePPN is leaked, the information will be linked with other services that requires an ePPN (This problem will not occur with ePTID).
Because of this, many services that require user identification require an ePTID rather than an ePPN as the equivalent of a username.
Last-Modified: September 17, 2024
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