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About "Keio Apps ID"

Due to the update of the keio.jp authentication system , "Keio Apps ID" will be regarded as "Keio ID" from now on after 2024/9/15.
(For those who earned their Keio ID by February 2015): See also here for information on using your Keio ID as an email address.

Keio Apps ID

Keio Apps ID is the ID you use to utilize services of Google Workspace for Education(formerly G Suite for Education). You can do the following with Keio Apps ID.

  • Google Workspace for Education(formerly G Suite for Education) services now permit a method of use in collaboration with other members.
    (It is used when making settings for collaborative use.)
    Specific examples:
    1. "Drive": Sharing files with other members (mutually viewing or editing).
    2. "Group": Confirming contents submitted in the past in a Group you participate in (using archive function).
    3. "Calendar": Sharing schedules with other members (mutually viewing or editing).
  • Can even be used as an email address.
    In this case, email that has reached a Keio ID email address also reaches a Keio Apps ID email address.
    As an email address, it can be used with both Keio ID and Keio Apps ID (The user can decide which to use.).
  • Can also be used as a keio.jp login ID.
    When doing so, the password you enter is the same as your Keio ID password.

Object and time of use

  • Any person able to use Keio mail can, in principle, use it.
  • During a period when it is possible to use Keio mail, it can be used.

About ID name

To confirm Keio Apps ID, see "Keio Apps ID: ID confirmation method".

  • "@keio.jp" is attached to the ID name.
  • (Persons who obtained a Keio ID in and after March 2015): ID name is the same as the Keio ID.
  • (Persons who obtained a Keio ID by February 2015): It is prepared by the system based on the ID name of Keio ID (persons who changed it by February 28, 2015 are requested to use the ID after the change).

Last-Modified: July 1, 2024

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