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  • Japanese

Password connection to keiomobile2/eduroam

Windows 10

  1. Click [Start button] and click [Settings] icon.

  2. When the setting screen opens, click [Network & Internet] and click [Network and Sharing Center].

  3. Click [Set up a new connection or network].

  4. Select [Manually connect to a wireless network] then click [Next].

  5. To connect to keiomobile2, [Network name] - enter “keiomobile2”.
    To connect to eduroam, [Network name] - enter “eduroam”.
    Select [Security type] - [WPA2-Enterprise] and click [Next].

  6. To connect to keiomobile2, after [Successfully added keiomobile2] is displayed, click [Change connection setting].
    To connect to eduroam, after [Successfully added eduroam] is displayed, click [Change connection setting].
    ※ After that, as an example, do the setting on the screen of keiomobile2.

  7. After [Wireless Network Properties] is displayed, click [Security] - [Choose a network authentication method] - [Setting].

  8. After [Protected EAP Properties] is displayed, a check is entered on the following contents.
    [When connecting] - [Verify the server's identity by validating the certificate]
    [Trust Root Certification Authorities] - [Security Communication RootCA2]
    [Select Authentication Method] - [Enable Fast Reconnect]
    Next, click [Select authentication method] - [Configure] and remove a check from [Windows logon name and password], click [OK].

    ※ If the certificate does not appear in the Trusted Root Certificate Authority,
      Download and install [Security Communication RootCA2] in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

  9. After [Wireless Network Properties] is displayed, click the [Advanced Setting].

  10. After [Advanced Setting] is displayed, enter a check at [Specify authentication mode] and after selecting [user authentication], click [Save credentials].

  11. Enter [User name] and [Password] and click all [OK] to complete setting.
    In the keio.jp (Keio ID) case, enter “Wi-Fi user name” and “Wi-Fi password”.
    In the case of ITC account, enter, “your ITC account@user.keio.ac.jp” and “Wi-Fi connection password of the ITC account”.

After clicking OK, the mouse pointer may remain loading.
Just click OK to finish the setting.

If you cannot connect to [keiomobile2] after setting, delete wireless LAN profile (keiomobile2), then restart your PC and again perform [Network setup].

Concerning deletion of wireless LAN profile (keiomobile2). (Japanese article)

Last-Modified: April 11, 2023

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