Notice to Students Graduating in September, 2022 (ITC Account)
Students who graduate in September, 2022 will not be able to use all services related to ITC account after September 21 (Wed), 2022 at 12:00 p.m..
You will not be able to log in to with your ITC account.
Therefore, please be sure to make back-up copies of all your personal data before September 21 (Wed), 2022 at 12:00 p.m..
It is possible for students who attend a graduate school or enroll in courses at Keio University to continuously use the account beyond Fall Semester, 2022.
How to back up your data
Data in Windows home drive (e.g. documents)
We'd recommend using USB flash drives in order to avoid write failure of backed up data.
All of your created files such as "documents" and "Favorites" of Internet Explorer are included in Windows home drive, please back up the necessary ones.
For more details about how to access your home drive, please refer to "How to backup Windows home drive"
If you want to back up the data from your home PC over the Internet, please see "How to connect ITC account Windows home drive" .
Personal web pages
If you have published personal web pages, it is necessary to back up the "public_html" directory.
Please see "How to Use WinSCP".
Data in Unix home drive
To backup the home directory on the Unix, carry out the following procedure.
- It is necessary to turn the Unix functions to ON. Look here for details about the setting method.
- To backup the home directory on the Unix, please refer to the following "How to transfer files using WinSCP".
Last-Modified: July 21, 2022
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