• English
  • Japanese

Notice for students voluntarily withdrawing in September, 2024 (regarding use of keio.jp)

For those leaving Keio University due to voluntary withdrawal (excluding those who have completed the required credits for the doctoral program), starting at 9:00 AM on Saturday, September 21, 2024, access to all keio.jp applications, except for the keio.jp portal and Keio email, will be gradually disabled.

In the case of voluntary withdrawal, Keio Mail can be used for a transition period of one year. E-mails to your Keio Mail account can also be forwarded during this one-year period.

For details, please see here.

  • Individuals leaving Keio University will also lose access to Google Workspace, Box, zoom and OneDrive so they will need to back up their data by following the instructions provided.
  • Please change the "Owner" of the files and folders you share in Google Workspace and Box.
  • Please delete the data in Google Workspace, Box, and OneDrive after backing up the necessary data.(excluding files and folders that are shared)

Last-Modified: July 18, 2024

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