Allows announcements to be created and all users in the course to be notified.It is possible to select that notification of the created announcement and replies to the created announcement are received with the notification settings.
Clicking on (1) [Announcements] from the course menu on the left will display the announcement screen, where (2) [+ Announcement] is to be clicked.
This will display the editing screen for the [Announcements], where (3) announcement title (mandatory) and (4) announcement details (mandatory) are to be entered.It is possible to create announcements targeting sections (attending students grouped together to facilitate management) if sections have been created for the course with (5).
(6) Add a tick to [Delay Posting] to display the setting that enables the date and time of announcement posting to be set, as shown in (6)a. Once all mandatory fields have been entered, click on (7) [Save].
Last-Modified: March 23, 2023
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