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keiomobile2 password authentication method (Setting support program for Windows)

How to download the setting support program

  1. Download [keiomobile2.exe] through a pc on campus.
    Move the downloaded program into the pc by a flash memory etc.
    ※ It is available to set up and use keiomobile2 only inside of Keio campus.

  2. Right-click the downloaded keiomobile2.exe, and click [Properties].

  3. Click [Digital Signatures].
    Confirmation to keio University.

  4. Check [Unblock] and Click [OK].

  5. Execute keiomobile2.exe.
    Click [Yes] to the popup [Create keiomobile2 profile?].

  6. It is done when the message [Create keiomobile2 profile] shows up.

    If an error occurred, Delete the profile, please run the keiomobile2.exe again.
    Fail still, please try to set up in manual way.

  7. Delete keiomobile2.exe after the installation is done.

How to connect

  1. Click on the taskbar Wi-Fi icon.

  2. In the [Network Authentication] window enter your ITCaccount@user.keio.ac.jp and password which was issued for wifi connection in the previous step.

    Then click [OK].

    Ex) ua000000@user.keio.ac.jp

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Last-Modified: October 23, 2023

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