About sharing settings of Google Apps
Keio mail has migrated to Google Apps for Education, since November 11, 2014, permitting use of services of Google Apps in addition to email (Gmail).
To use Google Apps services (Group, Calendar, Drive), please use them by appropriately setting sharing.
If setting is not done correctly, users who wish to share information will be unable to use it or there is danger of unintended users viewing and editing information.
For the methods of sharing settings for each service (sharing, stopping sharing), refer to the following.
Sharing settings of Group
* Important:People who will use Group are requested to be sure to confirm and set the sharing settings of each group.
Calendar sharing settings
- To not share: Stop sharing of Calendar
- To share: Open Calendar to the entire organization or to the Group
Drive sharing settings
- To not share: Google company site: Remove access for others from a file or folder
- To share:
Last-Modified: March 3, 2015
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